Ceramic Studio & Classes


Students at all levels are expected to track their fired clay each session and pay for any overages.

Once a piece is placed on the bisque shelves to be fired, please tally the pounds used on the instructor spreadsheet hanging by the shelves. Each tally represents a pound - measured with one puck of clay equaling one pound. If over the class allotment of fired clay (5lbs for level one, 10lbs for level two & three), use the link below or QR code in studio to pay for your overage.

Clay Material Fee

The material fee for clay fired over your allotted class amount is $2 per pound. Please increase the number quantity above to select the number of pounds.

Students are capped at 25lbs of clay per session.

We rely on our students’ commitment with clay tracking to help us keep a sustainable community studio with low prices. Thank you!