Ceramic Studio & Classes

Hand Building Level 2 (2/3-3/2)

Hand Building Level 2 (2/3-3/2)


In hand building level 2, you can (literally) build on your hand building skills to create functional forms using slab, coil, and pinch methods in tandem. We work on functional and sculptural pieces by combining forms, sketching and thinking through ideas all the way through the glazing process. There is also the opportunity to make bisque molds, stamps, and use slips and terra sigillata in new ways!

Class day/time:

**In the Level 1/2 class on Wednesdays, this class will take an in-depth look at coiling and slab rolling, making it ideal for those with a bit of hand-building experience. Students will develop their technique and work on creating more refined forms.

Week 1: Revisiting pinch/coil pots

Week 2: Revisiting slab building techniques

Week 3: Refining forms. We’ll focus on finishing our pieces, Scratching/smoothing the surfaces, and a look at slips, and terra sigillata.

Week 4: Finishing our forms. We’ll focus on glaze applications, and techniques

Your class registration includes up to 10 pounds of clay fired, all supplies/glazes/firings, and open studio hours to work outside of class time. All you need to do is show up ready to learn!

Please be sure to read our refund policy before completing your registration.