Ceramic Studio & Classes

Sculpture level 2X: Capturing the Human Form (4/29-5/25)

Sculpture level 2X: Capturing the Human Form (4/29-5/25)


Tuesdays 4-6pm with James

In sculpting the human form class, we focus on the study of human anatomy and its various structures as it relates to ceramic sculpture. Each session’s focus is on different forms of the body and how to effectively translate and construct them from clay.

A basic knowledge of hand building level one skills is recommended for success in this class.

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Get notified when a spot opens up for this class.

Your class registration includes up to 10 pounds of clay fired, all supplies/glazes/firings, and open studio hours to work outside of class time. All you need to do is show up ready to learn!

Please be sure to read our refund policy before completing your registration.